Menopause Specialist
Mott Women Healthcare
OB-GYN located in Lower Manhattan, New York
Menopause is a life-changing transition that can be physically and emotionally challenging for women in the months or years leading up to it. The board-certified OB/GYN physicians at Mott Women Healthcare in New York City provide gynecological care for women of all ages, including those dealing with symptoms of perimenopause, menopause, and beyond. If you’re struggling with the physical changes of each stage of menopause, call the office in to schedule an appointment with one of the compassionate and knowledgeable gynecologists to learn about available treatments.
Menopause Q & A
What is the difference between perimenopause and menopause?
Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause. During this time, your body goes through physical changes as your periods gradually become lighter and then stop altogether.
As you get older, your ovaries produce less estrogen, which brings on the physical and emotional changes of menopause. During perimenopause, you begin to have irregular periods, experience heavier or lighter flow, or skip periods altogether.
In rare cases, perimenopause can last up to 10 years, but for most women in the United States, symptoms begin about four years before your last period and can continue up to four years beyond. Typically, you’re in menopause after 12 consecutive months without having a period. Most women experience perimenopause and menopause during their mid-40s to early 50s. The median age for menopause in the United States is 51.
What are the symptoms of menopause?
For many women, symptoms range from mild to irritating and are emotionally stressful. Common symptoms of perimenopause and menopause can include:
- Irritability and mood swings
- Fatigue and insomnia
- Night sweats and hot flashes
- Lower sex drive
- Urinary tract infections
- Urinary incontinence
- Vaginal dryness and atrophy
- Weight gain
- Headaches and stiff joints
- Thinning hair
- Lower muscle mass
- Sore breasts
- Painful sex
- Depression
Making healthy lifestyle choices, like improving your diet and exercise routine and getting enough sleep, can help alleviate some symptoms of menopause. Taking time to manage stress is also helpful during this time in your life.
What can I expect after menopause?
After menopause, when your periods have stopped, is the end of your reproductive years and means you’ll be unable to get pregnant. This period of your life known as post-menopause can involve changes in your overall health and wellness as a result of lower hormone levels. You could be at higher risk for osteoporosis, heart disease, and stroke.
Many women experience continued vaginal dryness, as well, which can make sex painful. Fortunately, there are remedies and treatments to help you after menopause.
The caring team at Mott Women Healthcare helps women of all ages manage symptoms before, during, and after this life transition. Call the office or use the online booking tool to request an appointment.
Conditions & Treatments
Menopausemore info
Miscarriagemore info
Birth Controlmore info
Obstetricsmore info
Ovarian Cystsmore info
PCOSmore info
Colposcopymore info
Pelvic Painmore info
Pregnancymore info
Prenatal Caremore info
Prolapsemore info
STDmore info
Fibroidsmore info
Gynecologymore info
HPVmore info
Ultrasoundmore info
Hysterectomymore info
IUDmore info
Incontinencemore info
Well Woman Exammore info
Laparoscopymore info
Biopsymore info
Endoscopymore info
Irregular Menstruationmore info